
We are a couple of people who love water and the activities it offers. We fell in love with the sport of SUP for its recreation and fitness aspects and wanted to expose it to the Hudson Valley and primarily the Hudson river community. The sport of SUP helps you to see the Hudson from a completly different vantage point, but  we soon realized that this historic water way still has a bad rap, and people were afraid to get out and play on it. It is our mission to help change that view of the river, and help all to see the beauty and wonder it still offers.

For us, it started in 2007  with a lesson from a local friend in Kauai, but here’ the wiki…..

Stand up paddle surfing (SUP), or in the Hawaiian language Hoe he’e nalu, is an emerging global sport with a Hawaiian heritage. The sport is an ancient form of surfing, and began as a way for surfinginstructors to manage their large groups of learner surfers, as standing on the board gave them a higher viewpoint, increasing visibility of what was going on around them – such as incomingswell. To begin with, this started with using a one-bladed paddle, whilst standing on a normal length surfboard. The popularity of the modern sport of SUP has its origination in the Hawaiian Islands. In the early 1960s, the Beach Boys of Waikiki would stand on their long boards, and paddle out with outrigger paddles to take pictures of the tourists learning to surf. This is where the term “Beach Boy Surfing”, another name for Stand Up Paddle Surfing, originates.

The sport benefits athletes with a strong ‘core’ workout. SUP’ing is popular at warm coastal climates and resorts, and is gaining in popularity as celebrities are sampling the sport, and cross-over athletes are training with SUP. SUPs have been spotted around the globe, anywhere where there is easy access to safe waters, as well as in the surfing lineups of the world.

via Wikipedia